How To Raise Yourself Up

Dealing With Difficult Situations: 5 Ways How To Deal With Problems In Life And Rise Up After Failure

In life, it’s how you deal with what comes to you that determines the kind of experience a certain situation will provide for you. Whether you’re conscious of it or not, all circumstances do not have a meaning already built into them, and you are the one who’s always choosing how to think and respond, regardless of the circumstance. Your decision ultimately dictates what happens to you, not the condition. So you have inside of yourself the ability to enjoy life, no matter what season you’re in. And in this post, I intend to share 5 simple ways of dealing with difficult sitations — how to deal with problems in life and think constructively in the face of a setback, to raise yourself up and come out best in times of difficulties.

1. Treat every difficulty as an opportunity.

Within any difficult situation you encounter is a chance to go further than you were before. Therein lies a gift uniquely presented for you to realize and use for your own benefit. It can be an opportunity to learn and grow from, a stepping stone towards discovering your own untapped abilities, a way to bring you higher in your personal development, or a necessary step to make you more ready for bigger things in life. When you carry this perspective that nothing is incidental and that everything happens for your good, you will surely find the purpose that any difficulty serves. Asking yourself “what purpose does this serve me” will point your mind to the benefits that you can get from your seemingly depressing situation. This will encourage a positive outlook no matter what arises and you will be able to manage your emotions well, not letting the difficulty eat you up emotionally.

dealing with difficult situations

2. Don’t look at yourself as a victim.

Consider whatever comes to you as your own creation, and feel the power that you have to change it by choosing that for yourself as well. Owning something will give you the power over it, instead of looking at yourself as merely a puppet on a string. Taking responsibility is taking power. You acknowledge that no one is doing anything to you and you are taking control of your own life. Don’t ever think that you are powerless. You are always creating your own reality with the thoughts you continuously choose to think and believe in. In every moment you can choose to change what to think and feel, and thereby change your energy direction and attraction. In every case, you get to mold and interpret your own world in the way you choose to because you’re the only one who can think the thoughts in your own mind.

see your future here

3. Focus on the person you are becoming in the process.

Instead of thinking you have lost and been defeated in some way whenever there is a difficulty, look at the other side and focus your attention towards the intangible advantage you now have. Look at the added wisdom, inner strength, confidence and resilience that this temporary difficult situation has netted you, all of which are permanent additions to your own personal becoming and which you can use repeatedly in your future. With every contrast, you ask for more resources within you and you become a better version of yourself in the process.

dealing with difficult situations

4. Accept and surrender instead of resisting the situation.

Whenever there is an acceptance of the present moment, especially during difficult times, you release the internal struggle and refrain from adding more unwanted energies into the situation. What you resist will just persist and become greater as you give more attention to it  and feed into the negativity. Through accepting and surrendering will you be able to change the energy dynamics within you and around you, and thereby allow the improvements to come faster.

dealing with difficult situations

5. Ask yourself, is this thought helpful for my well-being? Is it my truth?

Difficult situations will have the tendency to get you thinking about what had gone wrong or how incompetent you are over and over in your mind. By being attentive to the direction of your thoughts and asking whether or not the thought you’re thinking now is helping yourself and the situation or not, and by asking whether the assumptions you’re making are true (which in most cases are just stuff you made up), you will be able to stop the unnecessary judgments and save yourself from thinking less about who you are and what you’re going through. The mind has a tremendous power over the body, and when faced with stressful situations, you can deliberately direct your thoughts in ways that will relieve the stress and weakened feeling that your physical body might feel. Eliminating these stressful thoughts will raise you up emotionally and physically as well, instead of getting caught up in a downward emotional spiral.

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Your Turn…

How are you dealing with difficult situations and raising yourself up in times of challenges? Share your insights and suggestions in the box below!


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