What’s the one secret to success?
It’s to be happy right now.
Yes, the number one secret to success is to be happy now.
In other words, the secret to effortlessly living a blissful life and be constantly manifesting future successes is to be in a consistent state of happiness in the present moment while moving in the direction of a vision that inspires you. It is not postponing happiness until the vision comes, but rather finding the feeling of happiness now, in this only time that you are experiencing life. This means feeling grateful and satisfied with where you are right now, enjoying who you are and what you have in this moment, while being called forward by a general goal or purpose that fulfills you and taking the inspired baby steps toward it.
Why is this so?
In this state, you are consistently anchored in the present without your happiness being pushed far into a future event. This is the one secret to manifesting BECAUSE you are only able to manifest your future goals… if you are already happy NOW… if you are already vibrating the SAME feeling as your desire. Your this-moment happiness makes you an open avenue to receive more happy and cooperative circumstances, making your movement toward your goals more effortless and easy.
When you are already happy now, you are in essence not feeling lack of any kind, and at the same time you are eagerly expecting more happy moments in your future nows. Your happiness does not anymore rely on a future outcome that you’re impatiently waiting for, but rather you feel enough and content with how you are being, holding the knowing that the future will bring more of what you are feeling right now.
Right now is where you are making your request..
Now is the most important thing as it will determine the general state of what the details of your future will be. Your now-feeling is like a request to the Universe of what you want to experience more of. Thus, your happiness right now will create all the specific details for your future — details that are of this same feeling frequency you’re putting out in this very moment. It becomes your blueprint for your requests, with the Universe being your genie granting you these “wishes”.
So how does being happy now become the number one ingredient for successfully manifesting desires?
Below are 5 specific reasons that will explain why Being Happy Now allows for easy manifesting.
1. There’s no taking score
When your happiness no longer hinges upon a future event, you won’t feel the need to incessantly measure your progress on the outside and regularly check if your goals are already manifesting. You are happily doing what you can right now, not relying on the progress to dictate how you feel. This greatly helps in manifestations as you will not be focusing on what is missing, but instead allow for the natural flow and unimpeded progression of what you desire.
2. There’s no yearning, desperation or trying so hard
When you feel enough and satisfied with yourself and your life right now, you are more relaxed and at ease with how things are doing. There is no struggle or too much effort involved because you aren’t desperately wanting things to be different for you to feel better. You are in control of the inside that’s why controlling details outside of you doesn’t seem necessary. And with these vibrations of ease and relaxation, you are sure that your manifestations are seamlessly on their way.
3. There’s no attachment to specific details
Since your happiness is not dependent on a future outcome, you are not anymore attached to the specific manner or avenue through which you goals will manifest. You are able to release and detach from any specific detail because you are trusting that your happiness will be sustained regardless of how the details play out in the future. And this non-insistence and detachment allow for the best and fastest avenues for manifestation to be revealed physically into your experience.
4. There’s more gratitude and appreciation for the present
When you are focused in the present moment, you see everything that’s beautiful from where you are. Your feeling of appreciation for life is enhanced because nothing is taken for granted. In every unfolding of your life, you are there, completely present in your journey. Your mind is not clouded by thoughts of a future event and you are able to take special notice of the little things that make life beautiful right now. And being in this state means being at the highest vibration to manifest what you’ve asked for – at the vibration of love.
5. There’s no habit of pushing happiness away
With the continuous practice of feeling happiness where you are, the idea of waiting for something to happen in the future will be non-existent and unnecessary. Being happy now will be your dominant state, without needing to search for happiness elsewhere other than right here. And when happiness is who you are, the entire world naturally becomes your oyster.
Knowing these things, how do you now go about being Happy where you are?
Here are some ideas you can apply today 🙂
1. Gratitude
By making a daily list, either on paper or in your mind, of the things that you feel thankful for in your life, you will start cultivating happiness in the present moment, and feel enough and satisfied as you are. Take the time to note things you like and appreciate about yourself, about other people, and about your environment, and practice the vibration of gratitude in your daily waking life.
2. Forgiveness
Through forgiveness, you are able to release energies inside you that are weighing you down. Whenever you are forgiving yourself and others, you are in effect eliminating blame, anger, hate or grudge in your energy field, and thereby raising your vibration towards happiness and love. You are not anymore using anything outside of you as an excuse to not feel good, but rather you are letting them all off the hook. You are practicing forgiveness because you know that you deserve the peace of mind and happiness. You are taking responsibility for your own inner world by releasing anything outside of you that isn’t serving your vibration.
3. Giving
By giving away positive energies of kindness, compassion, upliftment, and love, you are also strengthening those energies within yourself right in those moments. By knowing that you have enough of these things inside of you, you will be able to freely give it away when opportunity arises. You are filling in your own cup with more happiness and positivity as you give out and vibrate these high-energy feelings.
4. Going General
As you go general in stating your desires, without insisting or demanding any specific detail as to how your desires will come to pass, you lighten up with life and become more trusting. You free up your mind from worries and anxiety, and leave more space for thoughts of happiness and appreciation to fill in.
P.S. If you would like to discover a simple tool to easily and effortlessly manifest your natural abundance without the struggle, you can check out this special video HERE and see how aligning your energies can greatly help in allowing wealth into your life, starting in the next 24 hours!
Blessings to you, and namaste 🙂