Prosperity Mindset

How To Go From Scarcity To Abundance Mindset – 8 Ways To Create An Abundance Mentality

To create an abundance mentality means developing attitudes and patterns of thinking that are in alignment with prosperity. It is making how you consciously think and feel to be in harmony with having and being enough. Abundance is a natural and inherent characteristic in everything and everyone in this Universe. And having an understanding and knowledge of the unlimited provsion and the endless supply of good things around us will allow for an entirely new perspective on seeing things.

Prosperity is energy and is something that we can tune into and allow into our lives. And this all starts with the thoughts, habits, perspectives and beliefs that we continuously pratice in our daily lives. It is something that we can all harmonize into as we live our days. And in this post are 8 ways on how to go from scarcity to abundance mindset, and allow the prosperity that is already a part of who you naturally are.

1. Make it a habit to put your attention or emphasis on what you like or want, instead of what you dislike or what is lacking in your life.

Put more of your thinking time or air time talking about what you prefer in a positive way, rather than being against something you do not prefer or do not want, or explaining why you do not have a certain thing. Remember that we are all living in a universe that always says Yes to whatever it is we are giving attention to. And so thinking or talking about something negatively will just amplify and bring more of this negative thing into your life. Similarly, talking positively about your desires will build the momentum for its components to be received by you.

woman sitting on couch while using laptop computer

2. Practice the attitude of gratitude by focusing your thoughts on the feeling of thankfulness for the blessings that you currently have.

This is something that you probably hear most often, but it truly is one of the most effective ways in bringing positive circumstances into your life. Appreciation is the foundation for more abundance. Blessings will grow bigger and expand if that’s where you give most of your attention to. This attitude of counting your blessings will foster the feeling of satisfaction and enough-ness with where you currently are. And being satisfied in the present moment is one of the best states to be in, to allow more good stuff to flow into your reality. This feeling of satisfaction, without the neediness and desperation, will release any negative blockages that get in the way of your natural prosperity and abundance.

3. Become a conscious watcher of your mind and catch yourself whenever you wander on thoughts about lack.

Be deliberate in observing your thoughts on a regular basis so that you can consciously shift your focus away from scarcity and break free from this unconscious habit. Constantly make the effort to practice shifting your consciousness and tipping the scale towards more positivity by becoming more aware of the times when you are slipping into negative patterns of thinking. Catching yourself this way will gradually decrease the chances of unconsciously wandering about in negativity and lackful thinking as you set the intention early on.

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4. Not only in terms of material things, but start applying thinking abundantly with regards to your relationships with other people.

Focusing on the things that are admirable and positive about the people you interact with, instead of focusing on what’s lacking in their personality will allow for the other person to show more of his or her good qualities when you’re together since it’s what you’re focusing on and amplifying in your experience. You will attract the best of who they are, instead of encouraging the worst. This will create an abundant environment for you as you are seeing more of how blessed you are with the people you’re surrounded with, instead of developing a mindset that’s always complaining about what’s wrong with other people.

5. Begin allocating more time doing the things you’re passionate about or what you love.

As you allow what truly feels good and true within you, you are attracting more opportunities for abundance to come koncking at your doors because you are being who you authentically are. You are connected to your core self, and thus connected as well to the overflow of universal assistance, when you are loving what you do and loving who you are. Your whole being becomes in alignment with the ever-flowing forces of the Universe.

woman in brown fur coat wearing black framed eyeglasses

6. Always remember and embody your worthiness and deservability to receive the things you are asking for in life.

Always keep in mind that whatever want or desire that you are truly feeling inside yourself is meant and deserved by you. Hold on to the vision that whatever you want is sure and possible, and that your inherent worthiness to receive is enough for it to come into fruition. When you practice feeling and being this way, you will allow life force to flow freely in your experience, unimpeded by thoughts of being undeserving and unworthy.

7. Let go of worrying about not having enough by reminding yourself that it is not your intention to hoard things and keep them out of circulation.

Remind yourself that it is your purpose to keep abundance moving and flowing around, instead of holding on and attaching to different kinds of things to make yourself feel whole and enough. It is your intention to enjoy what you have while they are in your experience, and not attach to them for your security and sense of self.

man in white coat sitting on chair

8. Use your own techniques or permission slips to do what works for you in maintaining a positive mindset with regard to abundance.

Practice this new way of being that you have discovered for yourself by regularly immersing in positive thoughts through the use of affirmations, positive statements, or reading materials about this subject. This continuous positive thinking will help develop the right perspectives and beliefs in you about your natural worthiness and inclination towards abundance and prosperity. You may also consider subconscious mind reprogramming to clear out abundace blocks and raise your frequency to the level of wealth and abundance. You can see this special video here to learn more.

Your turn…

Which of these 8 ways on how to go from scarcity to abundance mindset do you like the best? Share your thoughts in the comments box below 🙂

Blessings to you, and namaste 🙂

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