Practicing and cultivating acceptance in our daily lives is one of the keys to our inner peace and power. When you are in a state of acceptance, you are coming to terms with all of life as it is now, and are living without the energy of opposition inside of you. Acceptance means becoming more like water which flows calmly and confidently wherever it may be, and reaches far and wide because of its humility and non-resistance. Acceptance also means releasing the need for any form of external control, protest or struggle (with situations or people), and thereby connecting to your inner peace and stillness as you flow with the rhythm of life. You rest into your own power and become one with your Source of being.
Acceptance doesn’t mean being passive about life, but rather it’s more of not unconsciously giving your power outside of you as you become entangled with all the happenings here there and everywhere, and of consciously choosing to take care of how you spend your precious life energy.
And in this post, I’ll be sharing four things that you can remind yourself about, especially during times when you feel the urge to resist something that’s happening around, or push against what you deem is wrong or negative outside of you. Knowing these key things will help you become more like nature, and bring acceptance (and subsequently inner peace and power) into your every present moment.
1. Remember that everything is serving its purpose.
When you come to remember that, nothing that happens in this universe is a mistake, and that inherent in every undesirable situation is the gift of clarity and the opportunity to choose differently, you will realize that everything is happening for a beneficial reason, in one way or another, when you decide to see it that way. Instead of hammering down a situation and regurgitating what’s wrong, you can now come into acceptance of the gift it provides you and of the purpose it actually serves your life. In the broader scheme of things, every single contrast or disruption that we may perceive in the short term is actually part of things coming into perfection for the long term.
Every problem leads to the creation of a solution; every question creates a corresponding answer. When we try seeing things in its wholeness and not just in parts, we can now view the totality of it and come full circle — perceiving how everything is serving its purpose in the end.
Every need that arises leads to the eventual fulfillment of that need. Everything that you categorize as unwanted actually creates the space for something wanted to come about. As you come into acceptance of this constant ebb and flow of life, you will be able to appreciate this continuous dance of creation — where every asking leads to the receiving. Remember that everything in life moves toward evolution, because growth and expansion are what life’s all about.
2. Remember that everyone is a creator being.
When you come to remember that each one of us represents an individual expression of God/Source/Creator in this universe, and that we are the creators of our own reality (whether we know it or not), you will come to the acceptance of what others are creating, how they are behaving, and what they are deciding for themselves, without feeling you are responsible or in charge for how they choose to use their creation power.
We live in a world of choices. And when you come to realize that each soul has a unique path to travel, and that everyone is exactly getting what they are choosing (always a perfect match as to how they use their power), you will willingly give each person the gift of exercising their free will choice, no matter what the consequence might be, and you will allow them to experience the soul lessons that they came here to experience. You would not want to deprive a creator being of his own creations. The sovereignty and freedom to create that we want for ourselves, we must offer it to others as well.
And as you release this need to control others and be right, you will now come into acceptance and peace as to how each soul chooses to navigate his/her own unique journey here on earth. And with this understanding, you will also come to accept the outcome of all of your creations as well. You will embrace the lessons you may need to learn, instead of putting the responsibility on other people or forcing them to make the changes for you.
3. Remember that Life is exactly as it is meant to be right now
When you come to remember that life is a co-creation of each and everyone one of us, and everything that’s happening in our collective reality is the effect of all our thoughts and energies put together, you will realize and accept that life right now is exactly as it is meant to be, given all the causes we’ve put into motion.
Life is always reflecting back to us what we have put out. And everything that’s coming back is meant to become our bouncing-off place or our stepping stone towards deciding how to create better, moving forward. Every moment is a perfect springboard for the next moment to take place. Everything is happening as it is meant to.
And instead of adding more negativity to an uncomfortable life situation by sending energies of anger, criticism and hatred to it, you can now come to accept that this present moment is an after-effect of what we’ve put out, and you can begin sending it your peace, understanding and acceptance to gradually transmute the energy from the negative to positive.
With this also comes the realization that adding more blame, harm and judgment to the present situation won’t do anyone good. Only through love and positive energies can you create true transformation, and alchemize “darkness into light”.
Remember that what you resist will just continually persist. But by sending love and acceptance, healing will then naturally and inevitably take place.
4. Remember that nothing truly needs fixing before you can feel better
When you come to remember that you are the one who ultimately holds the power for how you feel in every moment, you can then be stable and be in acceptance of however the external environment needs to play out at this time, because you know you’re in control of your internal world regardless. At the end of the day, nothing or no one can make you feel anything other than what you allow yourself to feel. You always get to decide.
And as you come to know this, you rest in a place of self-control and acceptance of the now. You can then choose to become the observer of this outside reality, instead of getting entangled and lost in the interplay of energies. You know that nothing outside of you needs fixing before you can feel better within yourself. It’s in the way you process everything around you that ultimately determines how you will experience them, and you aren’t anymore in need of changing it first, before you can feel good yourself.
You focus on what you can control– the management of your own energy and your conscious response to your surroundings, rather than struggling on what you do not have control over.
Imagine yourself coming from a place of peace, love and acceptance…
I hope this post has been empowering and helpful for you as you navigate the myriad of things happening all around us. As you continuously remind yourself of these key things and apply it in your life, one moment at a time, you will soon be unconditionally accepting of all of life, including all events and people, wherever you may find yourself in, and no matter what’s going on. You will be coming from this peaceful place within yourself, where you are stable and calm, as you carry these broader perspectives in life that your truest self naturally hold.
I’m sending you love, light & happiness! Namaste
Iona Kristina 🙂
P.S. See Hellohappie YouTube Channel HERE for inspirational videos on self-development, manifesting, spirituality & more!