How To Create Your Future

Allowing Abundance In Your Life – 8 Ways How To Create Your Future

You are the source of everything that comes to you. You already have within yourself the abundance and prosperity that you seek, the vibrant health that you want, and the fulfilling love relationship you desire. All these feelings and emotions you are looking for are already who you are at your core. And the only work required is for you to connect to your true source within, be in a place of allowing and receiving, and become an open channel to express them outward onto this physical world.

In this post, I’ll be sharing ways for allowing abundance in your life, that is, how to create your future and allow the abundance, ideas and possibilities in your life to easily and effortlessly show up in your reality.

allowing abundance in your life

1. Be at peace with your present moment, with how much you have and what your current situation is.

Do not make a war inside of yourself by resisting what is, but instead feel the perfection of everything exactly as it is right now. Resistance is a contradictory energy that blocks all forms of abundance. Fear, frustration, anger, desperation — these are energies that block and repel the abundance that is natural to you. When they’re not there anymore, abundance can easily flow. Feel acceptance for where you are first, soothe your energy within, and then the abundance that you desire can and will simply reveal itself.

2. Feel appreciation and gratitude for the abundance that is already all around you.

Instead of noticing what is still missing or lacking in your life, recognize all the priceless blessings around that are often overlooked and taken for granted by many. Appreciation is one of the highest vibrations you can align with, and it creates the space for inspired ideas, insights and right actions to come through you.

allowing abundance in your life

3. Realize that your true value is your connection to your inner world.

All of the abundance that you will manifest in the external world is only a reflection of the abundance you are recognizing within yourself. Raising your true value in life is not more about external accumulations but rather raising your level of consciousness and awareness of your true power. You raise your value by releasing limiting beliefs and opening up to the unlimited creativity, ingenious ideas and infinite possibilities you have access to.

True security lies within yourself – in your own brilliance, creativity, ingenious ideas and resourcefulness where an abundance of money and financial prosperity will be created from. As you put your security on money or other external possessions, you just create stress and fear around it, and you block your access to your true security within.

4. See and feel yourself as valuable, worthy and deserving of good things without the neediness, chasing and unnecessary struggle.

When you are chasing or attached to money and external things, you are giving them control over your internal world. The more you chase, the more you get tied emotionally to the thing you’re chasing. Know that you are worthy without the need to justify of prove it to anyone. Increase your internal value by spending more time on things that add value to your body, mind and soul. Invest time by caring for yourself. Take an inventory of how you are spending your time daily and put more priority in doing the things that add value to yourself more. Let go of your daily habits that do not feel uplifting or contributing to your well-being.

manifesting and law of attraction

5. Trust that when you’re doing the internal work, life will make things happen for you.

Steps 1 to 4 are all about doing the internal work of raising your vibration to match the frequency of abundance and prosperity that is already available for you. The hows and infinite possibilities will be shown as you do this work of aligning your internal world. You will be creating the space in you for ideas and magic to come through- a space for creative expansion and becoming greater than you were before. When you are able to release the limiting beliefs on unworthiness and lack, and the fear of not having enough, realizing that you’ll be okay with it, you will finally create the space for inspiration to drive you instead of the fear.

6. Be general is setting your goals and leave the specific details for life to orchestrate for you.

Living in this general way, you will not be insisting on a single pathway or outcome but rather you will open yourself to unlimited possibilities as to how your goals will come about. This will release the tendency to incessantly take score of your progress, which usually happens whenever you compare your results with a specific outcome in mind.

Success Motivation Tools

7. Practice being generous in your giving and move beyond your limiting beliefs on lack and scarcity.

When you let go of the fear of money or resources going out, you create a space in you to receive more abundance. Whatever you give away, you are in effect saying to the universe that you have enough of it to share. This is the reverse of chasing money, which communicates that you are lacking the thing you’re chasing after. The more you chase money on the outside, the more you are moving farther away from your true source of abundance from the inside.

8. Look at money as something that we all enjoy for just a little while.

As you release the mindset of owning and possessing something and attaching to it obsessively, you do not become a slave to it and you do not fear it being taken away from you. The more external achievement or possessions you attach to, the more you feel worried and fearful of losing those achievements, instead of just freely enjoying them while you can. Rather than having worries and fears occupying your mind when you are too guarded with the things you own, you will be open and spacious enough to receive more abundance to enjoy and appreciate at its fullness.

Over To You…

Which of these key steps for allowing abundance in your life do you like the most? Share your views by commenting on the box below!

As always, blessings to you, and namaste 🙂

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