How To Be Happy With Your Life

How To Be Truly Happy With Your Life – Finding Joy In The Journey In 7 Ways

They say life is all about the journey, not the destination. But in reality, only few are able to truly enjoy not being at their ending goal or accomplishment yet. Only some are able to feel satisfied in every moment, and not waiting for a future event to come before they can truly be happy.

In this article, I’ll be sharing seven ways on how to be truly happy with your life now, to remove the impatience of not being at the ending destination yet, and to finding happiness and truly enjoying life’s journey, right here right now.

how to be truly happy with your life

1. Realize that you will never get everything all at once, or life wouldn’t be a journey after all.

You will always be in a place where you still have unfulfilled goals and dreams. Realize that no one will ever run out of desires and get it all done. And when you’re able to make peace with the season you’re in right now, while still having a myriad of desires in front of you that are in the process of becoming true, you will not feel the need for any hurry or impatience along the way.

You then understand that you will never get to a place of finishing it all anyway so might as well enjoy the ride. You will have a more lighthearted and easy approach to life when you put no pressure on yourself, showing up and just enjoying the unfolding of each moment.

how to be truly happy with your life

2. Appreciate every small step along the way, every bit and piece of unfolding.

When you celebrate the little successes in everyday and give yourself a pat in the back more often, you will realize how blessed and loved you are in many ways. Take time to notice the things that are working out and make a list of things you’re grateful for at the end of your day.

Appreciating the small things, and not just the big accomplishments, will cultivate a grateful heart and will fuel more satisfaction with where you currently are.

Secret To Happiness

3. Refrain from making conclusions that things are going wrong for you and that you are out of track.

Choose to define your every experience as something that is serving you, in one way or another. Decide that you will always look for reasons as to how a circumstance or event is helping you, either to learn, grow, or realize something valuable. How you define your situations will be the way you will experience them in your life.

Do not make absolute conclusions that you are doing things wrong in your life. Know that you are just right where you are, and you’re doing exactly the right things that will make you even better as you go along.

how to be truly happy with your life

4. Make it a habit to think of constructive maybes.

Do not make circumstances an end in itself but rather see it as a stepping stone to getting closer to what you want. See every experience as an open pathway to something more, rather than looking at it from a limited perspective. Everything is constantly changing for the better, even if from a limited standpoint, you may only see setbacks.

Practicing constructive maybes such as saying “maybe something good will come out of this” will cultivate optimism, and will inspire new ideas and creative thoughts that may be valuable in your own journey.


5. Stay away from comparison.

Each one of us is on our own unique journey, travelling at different paces, and evolving in different ways. We are each progressing in our own distinct path in life, without one path being more righteous than another. Choose to focus in your own lane, listen to your own calling, and strive on becoming better than you were yesterday, rather than looking somewhere else for the validation on your progress.

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6. Continuously move daily in the direction of your desires.

Taking baby steps without insistence on a specific outcome or in the timing of results will be a very effective way of adding positive momentum to the energy of your desires and increasing excited anticipation. Do what feels right for you from wherever you are, knowing that you’re guided along the way and that you can never get it wrong.

Refrain from trying so hard in forcing things to happen but rather maintain a general expectation of good things coming while letting go of any specific outcomes. In this way, your energy will be more aligned, free and flowing as life continuously works through you.

how to be truly happy with your life

7. Always be in the present moment.

Never regret whatever happened in the past, and do not get too far ahead into the future as well, and feel anxious about something you do not have control of. Realize that your access to happiness is always in the present moment. Put more priority on how you are feeling now, instead of letting the past or the future dominate your present thoughts and feelings.

how to be truly happy with your life

Happiness Wherever You Are

As you become more conscious and aware of how you’re thinking in every moment, and taking the time to practice these 7 practical ways on how to be truly happy with your life, you will soon be able to maintain your happiness wherever you may be. You will be vibrating the energy of joy and satisfaction, and will continuously attract more happiness into your life experiences.


Discover the 21 Perspectives on Happiness that you can easily apply in your life to begin manifesting happiness whenever you want, in your own terms!

Manifesting Happiness

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