How do you find your true self and what does this truly mean?
In essence, Finding your true self means connecting to your core positive values of love, joy, peace, satisfaction, harmony and certainty. It is being in alignment with your true core being, becoming aware of who you truly are and embodying those truths of yourself in your thoughts, words, behaviors and actions in everyday life. It means allowing your full potential and awakening to your purpose for being here in this lifetime.
In this article, I’ll be sharing with you 8 practical ways on how to find your true self and assist in connecting more deeply with yourself – 8 things you can do to start becoming more awakened and self-aware.
1. Learn to say no to things that don’t feel good to you. Travel lightly, both mentally and emotionally.
Make it your priority to do the things in your life that are a match to joy and happiness. When you are able to filter and be selective on what you focus on, you allow positive momentum to build and solidify, and you raise your energy to the level of your highest potential. When you eliminate the things that bring you down, you create no resistance for your true self to naturally and continuously rise.
2. Be forgiving of your past, including people and circumstances that may have hurt you. Keep your heart in balance.
Keeping your old hurts active within you will hold you in bondage of these negative circumstances for as long as you cling onto them. It can stifle your spiritual growth and make your journey heavier because of the unnecessary baggage you’re carrying. When you release any negative past you may have had, forgiving yourself and others, and acknowledging the learning and value it has provided, your journey to self-awareness will be faster, lighter and more flowing.
3. Embrace life-giving things. Choose to go along with people and events that are adding to your energy.
Be in the company of people who are exhibiting self-awareness, people who are most often connected to love, joy, peace and harmony in their lives. Create an atmosphere of optimism, playfulness, and self-empowerment in your life. Instead of debating over news or issues, choose to listen and engage in talks and discussions that are uplifting, empowering and inspiring.
4. Keep the trust that the Universe is working continuously in your favor, especially during times when nothing seems to be moving or changing.
Stay true to your vision of your desires, knowing that things are constantly conspiring for your good, whether or not there is already physical evidence. As long as you continue moving in the direction of what you want and feeling good in the process, you are definitely getting closer to your desires day by day. Train your spiritual muscle to not base your thoughts and emotions upon how things temporarily appear in the moment, but rather let them be guided by the truth that you are a blessed and worthy masterpiece in this Universe.
5. Allow things to naturally fall into place, instead of trying too hard with your own effort. Embrace ease and relaxation often.
When you are already on your path to self-awareness, you live in the trust that life is always supporting and guiding you, and you drop the need to force things to happen and control the timing of things through physical effort. You are aligning your energies with the perfect rhythm of the Universe. There is a surrendering of details and a calm expectation of things working out for your good. You let your knowing of your blessedness and worthiness show you evidence of how greatly loved and supported you are by all of life.
6. Be secure and confident of your self-worth and value, regardless of what other people’s opinions are.
Never allow other people’s thoughts, words and actions toward you dictate how you feel about yourself. Be stable in the knowing that you are already enough as you are, not letting outside conditions bring your spirit down. Opinions on the outside can always stay where they are, and need not be allowed to get to your mind and into your heart. Let your inner confidence repel any negative commentary that tries to get to you.
7. Cultivate faith rather than fear.
Every fear is only an illusion. Fear is only the product of thoughts moving in the opposite direction of what you want. It is at the far end of the self-awareness scale, far away from the love that is your true self. Building up the energy on what you want instead, will cultivate faith in yourself and in the presence of goodness that is all around. Rather than thinking of what might go wrong, fill your mind with thoughts of positive outcomes and good conditions.
8. Radiate love and light whenever you can, as often as you can.
You are a being made out of pure love and light. And when you choose to be these energies by showing kindness, compassion and grace whenever there is an opportunity, or speaking only of things that are well and good about yourself and others, the light from within you will shine so bright that other people can sense and feel. You become a beacon that will light the way for others to develop self-awareness as well. You become the person who walks them back to the love that they truly are.
As you continue to deliberately practice these ways, you will soon feel a sense of lightness and balance from within. Nothing that much on the external will bother you anymore as you cultivate the inner security and certainty about who you authentically are. Amidst the chaos of the physical world, you will still be connected to your true self because you have already established this strong foundation for your self awareness.
Your Turn…
Which of these 8 ways on how to find your true self do you like best? Share your thoughts by commenting below.
P.S. If you would like to delve deeper into knowing more about your true self from a Universal perspective, and learning how to connect more to your creative powers within yourself, our In-Depth Book On Understanding The Universe And Your Creative Power Is Now Available On Amazon Kindle! (Link opens in a new tab)
Seventy Five Things The Universe Wants To Tell You
Blessings to you and namaste 🙂