How To Remain Calm In Every Situation

How To Remain Calm In Any Situation – 4 Tips To Keeping Your Balance

Maintaining your emotional balance whenever stressful situations arise is one of the key ingredients for a joyful and enlightened living. Learning to keep your calm will help in properly approaching any situation you may come face to face with and will allow for realizing effective solutions to address the stressing circumstance. In this article, I’ll be sharing with you 4 helpful tips on how to remain calm in every situation and maintain your inner balance, regardless.

Tip # 1. Do not focus on things you have no control over. Instead, focus on what you can control.

Whenever a negative situation arises, the more you try to fix the situation you think is wrong, the more you amplify the energy of what’s not wanted. The harder you exercise control over the things outside of you, the more you lose control of yourself and the situation. So instead of being immediately action-oriented and jumping too quickly into reacting against the situation, be more energy-oriented and shift your focus on what you truly have control over, which is the energy within you – your thoughts, responses, emotions, and perspective about the situation. Instead of focusing without, focus within and bring your awareness to how you’re managing your energy.

how to remain calm in every situation

Do not add any more power to the negativity outside by giving it attention but rather focus on gaining back your own inner power. Begin soothing the way you feel, and make it your primary intention to ease up a little bit and release the resistance in your energy first. When the energy within you is not anymore contradictory to your core, you now have maintained your balance instead of allowing the things outside that you don’t have control over to mess up the natural calmness within you.


Tip # 2. Get in touch with your own value. Don’t let the outside get the best of you.

This means preparing yourself in advance so that you stay grounded in your own value no matter what arises. When you are sure of your own value and you have practiced the feeling that you are enough no matter what happens, then you wouldn’t let anything outside bother you that much. You become more stable on the inside as you consistently practice affirming your value before any stressful situation comes up.

how to remain calm in any situation

You will then know that you are enough in every moment to handle any situation, and you are capable of receiving the right ideas and actions to take. You are certain and confident of your connection to your core self, which cannot be easily shaken by the momentary stresses. Thus, the heaviness of the situation will not have the shattering effect over the peaceful balance you have already set for yourself ahead of time.


Tip # 3. Refrain from doing an action based on fear. Allow the right step to be inspired from you.

Do not try to address a problematic situation from a place of fearing something worse might happen. This will be counterproductive since you will be acting from a place of misaligned energy. Know that when you’re feeling fear, it is not the time to take an action as this will only take you farther away from the calm that you’re reaching for.

how  to remain calm in any situation

Take a break for a little while and distance yourself from the situation, until you have eased the tension in you and have established your energy to receive an intelligent action from a place of alignment. You tap into your inner knowledge and intelligence as you calm your mind and body. Don’t take an action until you feel the inspiration. As you calm down and lighten up, you become more enlightened, and action will then feel right and flow easily.


Tip # 4. Surrender the details. Trust that only good will come out of the situation.

Learn to relax, surrender and let go, instead of struggling to control a negative situation. Rather than stressing yourself to figure out what to do about it, you can choose to release the need for the situation to immediately change for you to feel good. Soothe the energy within you first by knowing that everything will naturally work itself out as you let go of beating the drum of what is not working right now. Say to yourself that all will turn out well and you will effortlessly figure things out as you go along.

how to remain calm in any situation

Trust the process. Trust the goodness in everything that’s happening. Let the Universe prove to you how things are always working out. Because everything is always going towards improvement. All things are naturally inclined to become better.



Your Turn…

How do you maintain your calmness in stressful situations? Share your thoughts by commenting in the box below.



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Blessings to you and namaste! 🙂

Iona Kristina


P.S. Here is a related video you might like to watch on some lessons we can learn from water — “Become Like Water”

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